Is a Level Switch a Sensor?

Yes, a level switch is a type of sensor used to monitor and control the level of liquids or solid materials in various containers. It works by detecting when a certain level has been reached and then sending a signal to start or stop a process, such as filling or emptying a container.

The Difference Between a Level Switch and a Traditional Level Sensor

Although a level switch is technically a level sensor, there are some key differences:

  • Level switches typically function as an on/off switch, activating when a predetermined level is reached. This makes them ideal for preventing overfilling or dry running.
  • Level sensors, on the other hand, can provide continuous measurement, meaning they report the exact level in real-time rather than just indicating whether a specific threshold has been met.

How Does a Diaphragm Level Switch Work?

A diaphragm level switch, such as our Elniva level switches, uses a rubber diaphragm that is pressed inward when the material level reaches the sensor. This pressure activates a micro-switch, which then sends a signal to take action, such as stopping a filling process or triggering an alarm function.

Why Choose a Level Switch?

Level switches are a cost-effective and robust solution for many industries where simple and reliable level monitoring is needed. They are commonly used in:

✔️ Silos and containers for grain, pellets, and sand
✔️ Sewage systems and water treatment plants
✔️ Fuel tanks and chemical processes

🔹 Looking for a reliable level switch for your system? Check out our range of Elniva diaphragm level switches and find the optimal solution for your business.

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